Acorn AutorouterUser Guide Input File Syntax
Ant-Colony Optimization for Routing Nets
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Acorn Input File Syntax


Acorn uses a simple text file for the netlist, layer definitions, and basic control of the Acorn autorouter.




Layers and Grid Resolution


Purpose: The grid_resolution statement specifies the size, in microns, of each square cell in the grid.

Syntax: grid_resolution = <NN.N>

Required or Optional: The grid_resolution statement is required.

Example: grid_resolution = 12.5 // Grid size in microns


Purpose: The width statement specifies the lateral width, in millimeters, of the entire routing area.

Syntax: width = <NN.N>

Required or Optional: The width statement is required.

Example: width = 25.25 // 25.25 millimeters wide


Purpose: The height statement specifies the lateral height, in millimeters, of the entire routing area.

Syntax: height = <NN.N>

Required or Optional: The height statement is required.

Example: height = 19 // 19 millimeters high


Purpose: The number_layers statement specifies the number of routing layers, excluding the intervening via layers.

Syntax: number_layers = <N>

Required or Optional: The number_layers statement is required.

Example: number_layers = 4 // Routing layers M1, M2, M3, and M4


Purpose: The layer_names statement specifies the names for each routing layer and intervening via layer. If there are N routing layers, as defined in the number_layers statement, then the layer_names statement must include the names of 2*N - 1 layers, because this list includes the intervening via layers.

Syntax: layer_names = <layerName1> <layerName2> ...

Required or Optional: The layer_names statement is required.

Example: layer_names = M1 V12 M2 V23 M3 V34 M4

Net List

start_nets and end_nets

Purpose: The start_nets statement denotes the start of the list of nets. The end of this list is denoted by the end_nets statement. Up to 1023 nets are allowed, as specified by the maxNets parameter in file global_defs.h.


  <netName_1> <startLayer_1> <startX_1> <startY_1>   <endLayer_1> <endX_1> <endY_1>   [<design_rule_exception_name>] [<diff-pair_partner_net_name>] [PN_swappable]
  <netName_2> <startLayer_2> <startX_2> <startY_2>   <endLayer_2> <endX_2> <endY_2>   [<design_rule_exception_name>] [<diff-pair_partner_net_name>] [PN_swappable]
  <netName_3> <startLayer_3> <startX_3> <startY_3>   <endLayer_3> <endX_3> <endY_3>   [<design_rule_exception_name>] [<diff-pair_partner_net_name>] [PN_swappable]
  <netName_N> <startLayer_N> <startX_N> <startY_N>   <endLayer_N> <endX_N> <endY_N>   [<design_rule_exception_name>] [<diff-pair_partner_net_name>] [PN_swappable]

Between the start_nets and end_nets statements, each line contains the following information about a single net:

The first token, <netName_i>, is the case-sensitive name of the ith net. The name cannot contain whitespace characters.

The second token, <startLayer_i>, is the case-sensitive name of the layer on which the ith net starts. This name must match the name of one of the routing layers in the layer_names statement.

The third and fourth tokens, <startX_i> and <startY_i>, are the (X,Y) coordinates of the start-terminal on layer <startLayer_i> for the ith net. The units for the (X,Y) coordinates are microns.

The fifth token, <endLayer_i>, is the case-sensitive name of the layer on which the ith net terminates. This name must match the name of one of the routing layers in the layer_names statement.

The sixth and seventh tokens, <endX_i> and <endY_i>, are the (X,Y) coordinates of the end-terminal on layer <endLayer_i> for the ith net. The units for the (X,Y) coordinates are microns.

The optional eighth token, <design_rule_exception_name>, specifies the name of a design-rule exception which will be applied to this net. The name of the design-rule exception must match the name of one of the exception statements within a design_rule_set block. The <design_rule_exception_name> token is required for all differential pair nets, but may also be used for other nets.

The ninth token, <diff-pair_partner_net_name>, is required only for differential pairs. This token specifies the case-sensitive net name that is the partner net of the current differential pair net. This name must exactly match one of the other <netName_i> names in the list of nets.

The optional tenth token, PN_swappable, specifies that the current net, which must be part of a differential pair, may be swapped with its partner in order to optimize the physical routing. If one one of the two nets in a differential pair is marked as PN_swappable, then its partner-net must likewise be marked as PN_swappable. If the PN_swappable tag is not added to a net, then the P- and N-nets of the differential pair will not be swapped to optimize the physical routing.

Required or Optional: The block between the start_nets and end_nets statements is required.


  net1    M1 15 15    M4 95 95
  VDD     M1 15 25    M4 95 85   PWR_GND
  DP1_P   M1 15 45    M4 95 60   100_ohm DP1_N
  DP1_N   M1 15 50    M4 95 65   100_ohm DP1_P
  DP2_P   M1 15 65    M4 95 30   100_ohm DP2_N PN_swappable
  DP2_N   M1 15 70    M4 95 25   100_ohm DP2_P PN_swappable

Keep-out Areas

block and unblock

Purpose: The block statement is used to prevent routing in a given region. No traces or vias will be routed within the region defined by the block statement. Further, no traces or vias will be routed in close proximity such that any part of the trace or via would overlap with the blocked region.

The effect of a block statement can be reversed with a subsequent unblock statement for a given region. The unblock statement enables routing in a given region. Traces and vias may be routed within the region defined by the unblock statement, which is intended to reverse, or invert, the effects of a previous block statement. For example, to allow routing only in a circular region on a given layer, one would first block the entire layer, and then unblock a circular region on the layer.

Syntax: The block and unblock statements specify the name of the routing layer, <layer name>, to which the statements apply.

The remaining tokens in the block and unblock statements describe which region of the routing layer is affected by the statements. The region can encompass the entire routing layer or a subset of the layer in a shape of a rectangle, circle, or triangle, as described below.

To block or unblock an entire routing layer:

block   ALL <layer name>
unblock ALL <layer name>

To block or unblock a rectangular region on a routing layer with diagonal corners (X1,Y1) and (X2,Y2), in microns:

block   RECT <layer name>   <X1> <Y1>   <X2> <Y2>
unblock RECT <layer name>   <X1> <Y1>   <X2> <Y2>

The following specifies the block and unblock syntax for a circular region on a routing layer with center (X1,Y1) and radius R. A radius of zero will block or unblock a single cell at (X1,Y1). All dimensions are in microns.

block   CIR <layer name>   <X1> <Y1>   <R>
unblock CIR <layer name>   <X1> <Y1>   <R>

Specify a triangular region on a routing layer to block or unblock with vertices (X1,Y1), (X2,Y2), and (X3,Y3), in microns:

block   TRI <layer name>   <X1> <Y1>   <X2> <Y2>   <X3> <Y3>
unblock TRI <layer name>   <X1> <Y1>   <X2> <Y2>   <X3> <Y3>

Required or Optional: By default, all regions are available for routing; the block and unblock statements are optional.

Example: Example block and unblock statements are shown below.

BLOCK    ALL   Die_layer
BLOCK    RECT  M1_layer      0   0    900 800
BLOCK    CIR   BGA_layer   200 200     40
BLOCK    TRI   M2_layer      0   0    100   0    0 100

UNBLOCK  ALL   Die_layer
UNBLOCK  RECT  M1_layer      0   0    900 800
UNBLOCK  CIR   BGA_layer   200 200     40
UNBLOCK  TRI   M2_layer      0   0    100   0    0 100

Design Rules

design_rule_set and end_design_rule_set

Purpose: The design_rule_set statement denotes the start of a block that defines design rules. The end of this block is denoted by the end_design_rule_set statement. Such blocks specify a set of design rules that may be applied to the entire routing area, or to specific regions using DR_zone statements. These rules specify the trace width, via diameters, and the minimum allowed spacings between adjacent traces and vias. The rules also specify the allowed routing directions for traces and vias.

Up to 15 design_rule_set blocks are allowed.

Optionally, exceptions to these rules may be defined for subsets of nets. These exceptions also include the pitch of differential pairs.


design_rule_set <name> [<comment>]
  <Design-rule statements, as defined below>

  [exception = <design_rule_exception_name_1>
    <Design-rule statements, as defined below>
    [diff_pair_pitch = <NN.N>]

  [exception = <design_rule_exception_name_2>
    <Design-rule statements, as defined below>
    [diff_pair_pitch = <NN.N>]


  [exception = <design_rule_exception_name_N>
    <Design-rule statements, as defined below>
    [diff_pair_pitch = <NN.N>]


The <name> token is a unique identifier for each of the design-rule blocks. This name must contain no whitespace characters, and is case-sensitive when referenced elsewhere in the Acorn input file.

The optional <comment> is a set of words or characters that describe the set of design rules. It may contain whitespace characters. There is no need for this comment to be unique.

The optional blocks that begin with 'exception =' and end with 'end_exception' describe net-specific exceptions to a set of design rules. The case-sensitive name of the exception is linked to nets in the netlist. Up to 15 exception blocks are allowed within any set of design rules. However, each exception with a diff_pair_pitch statement generates an extra exception. In other words, each exception for diff-pair nets counts as two exceptions towards the 15-exception limit.

The widths and spacings of traces and vias are depicted in the figure below.
Design rules

Referring to the figure above, the allowed design-rules statements are listed below and are detailed in subsequent sections:

[line_width = <NN.N>]
[via_up_diameter = <NN.N>]
[via_down_diameter = <NN.N>]
[line_spacing = <NN.N>]
[via_up_to_trace_spacing = <NN.N>]
[via_down_to_trace_spacing = <NN.N>]
[via_up_to_via_up_spacing = <NN.N>]
[via_up_to_via_down_spacing = <NN.N>]
[via_down_to_via_down_spacing = <NN.N>]

To limit the direction of routing in the region where a design-rule set applies, the optional allowed_directions statement is used. It takes one of nine values:

[allowed_directions = Any | None | Manhattan | X_Routing | North_South | East_West | Manhattan_X | Up_Down | Any_Lateral]

These direction constraints are illustrated below, in which each diagram represents three routing layers. In each, the black square represents the cell from which routing is progressing. The grey squares represent the cells to which routing is allowed for each constraint.

Any: All 18 possible directions are allowed, including 16 lateral and 2 vertical directions.
Any direction
None: No routing is allowed. This is similar to a region that is blocked from routing.
No directions
Manhattan: North, south, east, and west directions, plus 2 vertical directions.
Manhattan routing
X_Routing: NE, SE, SW, and NW directions, plus 2 vertical directions.
Manhattan routing
North_South: North and south routing, plus 2 vertical directions.
North/south routing
East_West: East and west routing, plus 2 vertical directions.
East/west routing
Manhattan_X: N, S, E, W, NE, SE, SW, and NW directions, plus 2 vertical directions.
Manhattan-X routing
Up_Down: Only vertical routing is allowed though vias.
Up/down routing
Any_Lateral: All 16 lateral directions are allowed, but no vertical routing through vias is allowed.
Any lateral routing

Required or Optional: The design_rule_set block is optional. In the absense of a such a block, or in the absense of one or more design rules, the default rules below take effect. The value <grid_resolution> refers to the number of microns specified in the grid_resolution statement.

line_width = <grid_resolution>

line_spacing = <grid_resolution>

via_up_diameter = <grid_resolution>

via_down_diameter = <grid_resolution>

via_up_to_trace_spacing = <grid_resolution>

via_down_to_trace_spacing = <grid_resolution>

via_up_to_via_up_spacing = <grid_resolution>

via_down_to_via_down_spacing = <grid_resolution>

via_up_to_via_down_spacing = <grid_resolution>

allowed_directions = Any

Example: An example design_rule_set block is shown below, which includes design rules plus three sets of exceptions.

design_rule_set Package   Design Rules for package layers 
  line_width        = 20  // In microns
  line_spacing      = 20  // In microns
  via_up_diameter   = 100 // In microns
  via_down_diameter = 100 // In microns

  via_up_to_trace_spacing      = 20 // In microns
  via_down_to_trace_spacing    = 20 // In microns
  via_up_to_via_up_spacing     = 40 // In microns
  via_down_to_via_down_spacing = 40 // In microns
  via_up_to_via_down_spacing   = 40 // In microns

  allowed_directions = Any   // Routing is allowed in any direction

  // End of main design rules. What follows are three blocks of exceptions:

  exception = PWR_GND    // Special rules for wider power/ground nets
    line_width        = 40  // In microns
    allowed_directions = Manhattan_X  // Only allow routing at 90- and 45-degree angles

  exception = 50_ohm     // Special rules for 50-ohm differential pairs
    line_width        = 25   // In microns
    line_spacing      = 32   // In microns

    via_up_to_trace_spacing      = 30   // In microns
    via_down_to_trace_spacing    = 30   // In microns
    via_up_to_via_up_spacing     = 50   // In microns
    via_down_to_via_down_spacing = 50   // In microns
    via_up_to_via_down_spacing   = 50   // In microns

    diff_pair_pitch = 58     // In microns

  exception = 100_ohm      // Special rules for 50-ohm differential pairs
    line_width        = 35   // In microns
    line_spacing      = 50   // In microns

    via_up_to_trace_spacing      = 40   // In microns
    via_down_to_trace_spacing    = 50   // In microns
    via_up_to_via_up_spacing     = 50   // In microns
    via_down_to_via_down_spacing = 50   // In microns
    via_up_to_via_down_spacing   = 50   // In microns

    diff_pair_pitch = 85   // In microns



Purpose: The line_width statement specifies the width (in microns) of conducting traces in a given design-rule set or an exception to such design rules.

Syntax: line_width = <NN.N>

Required or Optional: The line_width statement is optional. The default value is the grid resolution, as specified in the grid_resolution statement.

Example: line_width = 15.0 // In microns


Purpose: The line_spacing statement specifies the minimum spacing (in microns) between conducting traces in a given design-rule set or in an exception to such design rules. This spacing can be different than the minimum spacing between traces and vias.

Syntax: line_spacing = <NN.N>

Required or Optional: The line_spacing statement is optional. The default value is the grid resolution, as specified in the grid_resolution statement.

Example: line_spacing = 20 // In microns


Purpose: The via_up_diameter statement specifies the diameter (in microns) of upward-going vias in a given design-rule set or an exception to such design rules.

Syntax: via_up_diameter = <NN.N>

Required or Optional: The via_up_diameter statement is optional. The default value is the grid resolution, as specified in the grid_resolution statement.

Example: via_up_diameter = 45.0 // In microns


Purpose: The via_down_diameter statement specifies the diameter (in microns) of downward-going vias in a given design-rule set or an exception to such design rules.

Syntax: via_down_diameter = <NN.N>

Required or Optional: The via_down_diameter statement is optional. The default value is the grid resolution, as specified in the grid_resolution statement.

Example: via_down_diameter = 45.0 // In microns


Purpose: The via_up_to_trace_spacing statement specifies the minimum spacing (in microns) between upward-going vias and conducting traces in a given design-rule set or in an exception to such design rules. This spacing can be different than the spacing between traces and other traces.

Syntax: via_up_to_trace_spacing = <NN.N>

Required or Optional: The via_up_to_trace_spacing statement is optional. The default value is the grid resolution, as specified in the grid_resolution statement.

Example: via_up_to_trace_spacing = 37.5 // In microns


Purpose: The via_down_to_trace_spacing statement specifies the minimum spacing (in microns) between downward-going vias and conducting traces in a given design-rule set or in an exception to such design rules. This spacing can be different than the spacing between traces and other traces.

Syntax: via_down_to_trace_spacing = <NN.N>

Required or Optional: The via_down_to_trace_spacing statement is optional. The default value is the grid resolution, as specified in the grid_resolution statement.

Example: via_down_to_trace_spacing = 47 // In microns


Purpose: The via_up_to_via_up_spacing statement specifies the minimum spacing (in microns) between upward-going vias in a given design-rule set or in an exception to such design rules. This spacing can be different than the spacing between upward-going vias and other types of shapes, i.e., traces or downward-going vias.

Syntax: via_up_to_via_up_spacing = <NN.N>

Required or Optional: The via_up_to_via_up_spacing statement is optional. The default value is the grid resolution, as specified in the grid_resolution statement.

Example: via_up_to_via_up_spacing = 25.0 // In microns


Purpose: The via_down_to_via_down_spacing statement specifies the minimum spacing (in microns) between downward-going vias in a given design-rule set or in an exception to such design rules. This spacing can be different than the spacing between downward-going vias and other types of shapes, i.e., traces or upward-going vias.

Syntax: via_down_to_via_down_spacing = <NN.N>

Required or Optional: The via_down_to_via_down_spacing statement is optional. The default value is the grid resolution, as specified in the grid_resolution statement.

Example: via_down_to_via_down_spacing = 62.5 // In microns


Purpose: The via_up_to_via_down_spacing statement specifies the minimum spacing (in microns) between upward- and downward-going vias in a given design-rule set or in an exception to such design rules. This spacing can be different than the spacing between other pairs of shapes, e.g., between two upward-going vias.

Syntax: via_up_to_via_down_spacing = <NN.N>

Required or Optional: The via_up_to_via_down_spacing statement is optional. The default value is the grid resolution, as specified in the grid_resolution statement.

Example: via_up_to_via_down_spacing = 30.0 // In microns

exception and end_exception

Purpose: The exception statement denotes the start of a block that defines net-specific design rules that can differ from the rules that would ordinarily apply. The end_exception statement denotes the end of this block, which can only be located within a design_rule_set block.

The name of the exception is linked to nets in the netlist. These exceptions specify the trace width, via diameters, and the minimum allowed spacings between adjacent traces and vias. The rules also specify the allowed routing directions for traces and vias. In the case of differential pairs, the exceptions specify the pitch of these pairs.

Up to 15 exception blocks are allowed within any set of design rules. However, each exception with a diff_pair_pitch statement generates an extra exception. In other words, each exception for diff-pair nets counts as two exceptions towards the 15-exception limit.


exception = <name>
  <Design-rule statements, as defined above>

  [diff_pair_pitch = <NN.N>]

The <name> token is a unique identifier for each of the exception blocks within a design_rule_set block. This name must contain no whitespace characters, and is case-sensitive when referenced elsewhere in the Acorn input file.

The diff_pair_pitch statement specifies the pitch, in microns, of differential pairs. This statement is unique to exception statements. Therefore, differential pair nets cannot be used without having at least one exception block and at least one accompanying diff_pair_pitch statement.

Required or Optional: The exception block is optional unless the netlist contains differential pair nets, in which case the exception block is required.

In the absense of one or more design rules within an exception block, the missing design rules take on the values of those specified in the enclosing design_rule_set block.

Example: An example exception block is shown below, which includes width and spacing rules, plus the pitch of differential pairs.

exception = 50_ohm   // Special rules for 50-ohm differential pairs
  line_width        = 25   // In microns
  line_spacing      = 32   // In microns

  via_up_to_trace_spacing      = 30   // In microns
  via_down_to_trace_spacing    = 30   // In microns
  via_up_to_via_up_spacing     = 50   // In microns
  via_down_to_via_down_spacing = 50   // In microns
  via_up_to_via_down_spacing   = 50   // In microns

  diff_pair_pitch = 58   // In microns


Purpose: The diff_pair_pitch statement specifies the pitch (in microns) of the two conducting traces of a differential pair in a given design-rule exception. This statement may only be placed between the exception and end_exception statements.

Syntax: diff_pair_pitch = <NN.N>

Required or Optional: The diff_pair_pitch statement is optional unless the exception block is associated with differential pair nets in the netlist. In other words, the diff_pair_pitch statement is required only if the enclosing exception block is associated with differential pair nets in the netlist.

Example: diff_pair_pitch = 58.0 // In microns


Purpose: The DR_zone statement specifies a region in which a design-rule set applies in the map. If multiple DR_zone statements define conflicting design-rule sets for a given region of the map, then the last DR_zone statement takes precedence.

Syntax: The DR_zone statement specifies the name of the design-rule set, <DR name>. This name must match a name defined in a design_rule_set statement. The DR_zone statement specifies the name of the routing layer, <layer name>, to which the design rules apply.

The remaining tokens in the DR_zone statement describe which region of the routing layer is affected by the design rules. The region can encompass the entire routing layer or a subset of the layer in a shape of a rectangle, circle, or triangle, as described below.

To specify the design-rule set for an entire routing layer:

DR_zone <DR name> <layer name> ALL

To specify the design-rule set for a rectangular region on a routing layer with diagonal corners (X1,Y1) and (X2,Y2), in microns:

DR_zone <DR name> <layer name> RECT   <X1> <Y1>   <X2> <Y2>

The following syntax specifies the design-rule set for a circular region on a routing layer with center (X1,Y1) and radius R. A radius of zero will apply the design-rule to a single cell at (X1,Y1), in microns.

DR_zone <DR name> <layer name> CIR   <X1> <Y1>   <R>

Specify the design-rule set for a triangular region on a routing layer with vertices (X1,Y1), (X2,Y2), and (X3,Y3), in microns:

DR_zone <DR name> <layer name> TRI   <X1> <Y1>   <X2> <Y2>   <X3> <Y3>

Required or Optional: The DR_zone statement is optional. By omitting this statement, the entire map will use the default design-rule set. Likewise, if any regions of the map are not specified by a DR_zone statement, then the default design-rule set will apply to these regions. The default design-rule set is the one defined in the first design_rule_set statement.

Example: Example DR_zone statements are shown below.

DR_zone  Die_rules  Die_layer  ALL                              // Use 'Die_rules' everywhere on layer 'Die_layer'
DR_zone  M1_rules   M1_layer   RECT   0   0    900 800          // Use 'M1_rules' in 900x800 micron rectangular region on layer 'M1_layer'
DR_zone  BGA_rules  BGA_layer  CIR  200 200     40              // Use 'BGA_rules' in circular region on layer 'BGA_layer'
DR_zone  M2_rules   M2_layer   TRI    0   0    100   0    0 100 // Use 'M2_rules' in triangular region in lower-left corner of layer 'M2_layer'

Cost Zones

Each length of lateral routing has a default cost which Acorn attempts to minimize. Likewise, each via (or vertical route) has a default cost, which is partly defined by the vertCost parameter. For both lateral and vertical routing, the default costs apply globally to the entire map. However, the user may increase these default costs in specific areas using the statements described in this section. Increasing the routing costs in a region has the effect of reducing the routing in that region.

trace_cost_multiplier and trace_cost_zone

Purpose: The trace_cost_multiplier and trace_cost_zone statements increase the cost of lateral traces in a specific region. Relative to the baseline (non-increased) cost, the cost increase is an integer multiple, e.g., 2, 5, 10, 25, etc.

Trace_cost_multiplier statements define up to 15 distinct multipliers, each associated with a multiplier index from 1 to 15.

Trace_cost_zone statements define regions in the routing map where each cost-multiplier is applied, referenced by its index. If multiple trace_cost_zone statements define conflicting costs for a given region of the map, then the last trace_cost_zone statement takes precedence.

Index #0 is automatically associated with the default cost-multiplier of 1. Index #0 may be used in a trace_cost_zone statement to reverse the cost increase of a previous trace_cost_zone statement for a given region.

Syntax: The trace_cost_multiplier statement associates the user-defined cost-multiplier, <cost multiplier>, with a user-defined index, <multiplier index>:

trace_cost_multiplier   <multiplier index>   <cost multiplier>

The trace_cost_zone statement associates a <multiplier index> (defined in a trace_cost_multiplier statement), with a region on a given routing layer with name <layer name>. The region can encompass the entire routing layer or a subset of the layer in a shape of a rectangle, circle, or triangle, as described below.

To define an entire routing layer to have increased trace costs:

trace_cost_zone <multiplier index> <layer name> ALL

To increase the trace cost of a rectangular region on a routing layer with diagonal corners (X1,Y1) and (X2,Y2), in microns:

trace_cost_zone <multiplier index> <layer name> RECT   <X1> <Y1>   <X2> <Y2>

To increase the trace cost of a circular region on a routing layer with center (X1,Y1) and radius R, in microns:

trace_cost_zone <multiplier index> <layer name> CIR   <X1> <Y1>   <R>

To increase the trace cost of a triangular region on a routing layer with vertices (X1,Y1), (X2,Y2), and (X3,Y3), in microns.

trace_cost_zone <multiplier index> <layer name> TRI   <X1> <Y1>   <X2> <Y2>   <X3> <Y3>

Required or Optional: The trace_cost_zone statement is optional. If no trace_cost_zone statement is used, then all regions will use the default cost for routing traces.

The trace_cost_multiplier statement is required only if a trace_cost_zone statements references a non-zero <multiplier index>.

Example: Example trace_cost_multiplier and trace_cost_zone statements are shown below.

trace_cost_multiplier    1         20    // Index #1 defined as a 20x cost-multiplier
trace_cost_multiplier    2         40    // Index #2 defined as a 40x cost-multiplier

trace_cost_zone   1   Die_layer   ALL                             // Increase cost by 20x for entire Die_layer over baseline cost
trace_cost_zone   2   Die_layer   CIR  200 200   40               // Increase cost by 40x for circle over baseline cost
trace_cost_zone   0   Die_layer   RECT   0   0   50 100           // Revert to baseline cost for rectangular region
trace_cost_zone   1   M1_layer    TRI    0   0    0  50    50  0  // Increase cost by 20x for triangular region of M1_layer

via_cost_multiplier and via_cost_zone

Purpose: The via_cost_multiplier and via_cost_zone statements increase the cost of vertical routing, i.e., vias, in a specific region. Relative to the baseline (non-increased) cost, the cost increase is an integer multiple, e.g., 2, 5, 10, 25, etc.

Via_cost_multiplier statements define up to 7 distinct multipliers, each associated with a multiplier index from 1 to 7.

Via_cost_zone statements define regions in the routing map where each cost-multiplier is applied, referenced by its index. If multiple via_cost_zone statements define conflicting costs for a given region of the map, then the last via_cost_zone statement takes precedence.

Index #0 is automatically associated with the default cost-multiplier of 1. Index #0 may be used in a via_cost_zone statement to reverse the cost increase of a previous via_cost_zone statement for a given region.

Syntax: The via_cost_multiplier statement associates the user-defined cost-multiplier, <cost multiplier>, with a user-defined index, <multiplier index>:

via_cost_multiplier   <multiplier index>   <cost multiplier>

The via_cost_zone statement associates a <multiplier index> (defined in a via_cost_multiplier statement), with a region on a given via layer with name <layer name>. The region can encompass the entire via layer or a subset of the layer in a shape of a rectangle, circle, or triangle, as described below.

To define an entire via layer to have increased via costs:

via_cost_zone <multiplier index> <layer name> ALL

To increase the via cost of a rectangular region on a via layer with diagonal corners (X1,Y1) and (X2,Y2), in microns:

via_cost_zone <multiplier index> <layer name> RECT   <X1> <Y1>   <X2> <Y2>

To increase the via cost of a circular region on a via layer with center (X1,Y1) and radius R, in microns:

via_cost_zone <multiplier index> <layer name> CIR   <X1> <Y1>   <R>

To increase the via cost of a triangular region on a via layer with vertices (X1,Y1), (X2,Y2), and (X3,Y3), in microns.

via_cost_zone <multiplier index> <layer name> TRI   <X1> <Y1>   <X2> <Y2>   <X3> <Y3>

Required or Optional: The via_cost_zone statement is optional. If no via_cost_zone statement is used, then all regions will use the default cost for vias.

The via_cost_multiplier statement is required only if a via_cost_zone statements references a non-zero <multiplier index>.

Example: Example via_cost_multiplier and via_cost_zone statements are shown below.

via_cost_multiplier    1         20    // Index #1 defined as a 20x cost-multiplier
via_cost_multiplier    2         40    // Index #2 defined as a 40x cost-multiplier

via_cost_zone   1   C4_via      ALL                             // Increase cost by 20x for entire C4_via layer over baseline cost
via_cost_zone   2   C4_via      CIR  200 200   40               // Increase cost by 40x for circle over baseline cost
via_cost_zone   0   C4_via      RECT   0   0   50 100           // Revert to baseline cost for rectangular region
via_cost_zone   1   V1-2_layer  TRI    0   0    0  50    50  0  // Increase cost by 20x for triangular region of V1-2_layer

Pin-Swap Zones

Pin-swap zones are special, user-defined regions with the following properties:

pin_swap and no_pin_swap

Purpose: The pin_swap and no_pin_swap statements, respectively, define and undefine regions that have near-zero routing costs, and in which all terminals become pin-swappable. If multiple pin_swap statements create contiguous or overlapping zones (either horizontally or vertically), then these zones are merged into a single zone. Non-contiguous pin-swap regions are treated as separate pin-swap regions. The only nets that can route through a contiguous pin-swap region are those that have a terminal in such regions. Other nets are prohibited from entering pin-swap regions. A net is not allowed to have both of its terminals in a pin-swap region. The effect of a pin_swap statement can be reversed with a subsequent no_pin_swap statement for a given region.

Syntax: The pin_swap statement defines a region on a given routing layer <layer name> as a pin-swap region . The region can encompass the entire routing layer or a subset of the layer in a shape of a rectangle, circle, or triangle, as described below.

To define or undefine an entire routing layer as a pin-swap region:

pin_swap    <layer name> ALL
no_pin_swap <layer name> ALL

To define or undefine a rectangular region as a pin-swap region on a routing layer with diagonal corners (X1,Y1) and (X2,Y2), in microns:

pin_swap    <layer name> RECT   <X1> <Y1>   <X2> <Y2>
no_pin_swap <layer name> RECT   <X1> <Y1>   <X2> <Y2>

To define or undefine a circular region as a pin-swap region on a routing layer with center (X1,Y1) and radius R, in microns:

pin_swap    <layer name> CIR   <X1> <Y1>   <R>
no_pin_swap <layer name> CIR   <X1> <Y1>   <R>

To define or undefine a triangular region as a pin-swap region on a routing layer with vertices (X1,Y1), (X2,Y2), and (X3,Y3), in microns:

pin_swap    <layer name> TRI   <X1> <Y1>   <X2> <Y2>   <X3> <Y3>
no_pin_swap <layer name> TRI   <X1> <Y1>   <X2> <Y2>   <X3> <Y3>

Required or Optional: The pin_swap statement is optional. If no pin_swap statement is used, then all regions follow normal rules for routing cost and design-rule violations.

Example: Example pin_swap and no_pin_swap statements are shown below.

pin_swap    PCB_top    ALL                              // These two statements define the perimeter (only)
no_pin_swap PCB_TOP    RECT  30  30   970 970           // of the PCB_TOP layer as a pin-swap region.

pin_swap    DIE_LAYER  CIR  200 200    40               // Define circular region on layer DIE_LAYER as a pin-swap region.

pin_swap    Pkg_M1     TRI   20  20    20  50    50  20 // Define triangular region on layer Pkg_M1 as a pin-swap region.

Routing Control Statements


Purpose: The maxIterations statement specifies the maximum number of iterations to be performed. Acorn will exit after this number of iterations, regardless of whether a sufficient number of iterations were achieved without design-rule violations.

Syntax: maxIterations = <N>

Required or Optional: The maxIterations statement is optional. The default value is 2000 iterations, as specified by parameter defaultMaxIterations in file global_defs.h.

Example: maxIterations = 500


Purpose: The omit_layers_from_composite_images statement omits selected trace and/or via layers from the composite (PNG) image files that are displayed in certain web pages. In such web pages, omitting these layers with this statement hides them in the animated routing evolution of the entire map

Syntax: omit_layers_from_composite_images = <layerName 1> <layerName 2> ...

Required or Optional: The omit_layers_from_composite_images statement is optional. Omitting this statement will result in all layers being displayed in the composite (PNG) image files that are displayed in certain web pages.

Example: omit_layers_from_composite_images = Pass_via   UBM   C4   V4-5


Purpose: The preEvaporationIterations statement defines the number of iterations before which no congestion is evaporated from the map. The minimum allowed value for this value is 2, which prevents evaporation of congestion until after the third iteration.

Syntax: preEvaporationIterations = <N>

Required or Optional: The preEvaporationIterations statement is optional. The default value is 2 iterations.

Example: preEvaporationIterations = 5 // Delay the evapration of congestion until after the 6th iteration.


Purpose: The vertCost statement specifies the lateral distance, in microns, that Acorn should laterally route a trace around an obstacle rather than creating vias to route above/below the obstacle. Larger values of vertCost result in routing with fewer vias

The diagram at right illustrates the effects of different vertical costs. The topmost ('M1') layer contains a rectangular barrier that separates the start- and end-terminals on the same layer. If the vertical cost is set to a high value, then the autorouter will avoid creating new vias, and will take the route shown in blue around the barrier.

Instead, if the vertical cost is set to a low value, then the autorouter will create two new vias to take the route shown in green. This route clearly has a shorter lateral routing length, but requires the addition of two vias. If the cost of these vias is lower than the detour taken by the blue route, then the green route will be taken.

Syntax: vertCost = <NN.N>

Required or Optional: The vertCost statement is optional. The default value is calculated based on the lateral dimensions of the routing area. Specifically, the default value is one fourth of the square root of the area: (√ width x height  ) / 4, expressed in microns.

Differences in vertical cost
Example: vertCost = 1500 // 1500 microns


Purpose: The violationFreeThreshold statement specifies an additional number of iterations that must be free of design-rule violations, in addition to the minimum value enforced by Acorn, which is 35∙log10(Nnets), where Nnets is the number of nets. For example, if the netlist contains 100 nets, then Acorn will require at least 70 iterations [35∙log10(100)] to be free of design-rule violations before terminating. If the user desires 100 such iterations, however, then the statement 'violationFreeThreshold = 30' may be used to force Acorn to achieve a total of 100 iterations that are free of design-rule violations.

Syntax: violationFreeThreshold = <N>

Required or Optional: The violationFreeThreshold statement is optional. The default value is 0 iterations, as specified by parameter defaultDRCfreeThreshold in file global_defs.h.

Example: violationFreeThreshold = 30

Unimplemented and Deprecated Statements


Purpose: The iterationsPerPngMap statement specifies the number of iterations between creating (PNG) images of the routing. This feature was intended to reduce run-times by eliminating the creation of PNG files for selected iterations. However, this option is not aligned with other parts of the Acorn code that assume that PNG files are generated for every iteration.

Syntax: iterationsPerPngMap = <N>

Required or Optional: The iterationsPerPngMap statement is optional. The default value is 1 iteration. That is, omitting this statement will cause Acorn to create PNG image-files for every iteration.

Example: iterationsPerPngMap = 10


Purpose: The origin statement specifies the origin of the routing map. This feature is not yet implemented. Consequently, the origin is fixed at the lower-left corner of the routing map.

Syntax: origin = center | lower_left | upper_left | lower_right | upper_right

Required or Optional: The origin statement is optional. The default value is lower_left. However, specifying other options for the origin (e.g., center) has no effect.

Example: origin = lower_left

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