Acorn AutorouterUser Guide
Ant-Colony Optimization for Routing Nets
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Ant on an acorn


Acorn was developed and tested in a Linux environment, and requires the user to download and then compile the C source code into the Acorn executable file, acorn.exe. In the directory that contains the makefile, .c, and .h files, type the following command from a command-line:

 $ make

For the make command to work, your system must have the GNU Compiler Collection, gcc, and the GNU Make software. The compiler must also have access to the following four libraries: Math (which is included in GCC), OpenMP (also included in GCC), LibPng, and the GD Graphics Library. The latter two libraries can be installed on Red Hat-based Linux distributions using the following commands:

 $ yum -y install libpng-devel

 $ yum -y install gd-devel

Once you've compiled Acorn into the acorn.exe executable, copy this file to a working directory and launch Acorn from the command-line using the following command:

 $ acorn.exe   <input file>   >   logfile.txt

The <input file> is a text file that describes the silicon chip, package, and/or PCB, in addition to the locations of the start- and end-terminals of each net. There are hundreds of examples of such input files in the tests subdirectory. To get started, try a small example such as 4n_800x_500y_4L_obstacles_wide_vias.txt. In other words, copy this text file to the working directory that contains acorn.exe, and type the following command:

 $ acorn.exe   4n_800x_500y_4L_obstacles_wide_vias.txt  >  logfile.txt

Depending on how fast your computer is, and how many cores it contains, the program should take a few minutes to complete. (30 seconds with 16 threads is typical.) As it's running, you can monitor two output files: the logfile.txt file (using the Linux less program, for example) and the routingStatus.html file using your favorite web browser. The latter file will be created in the working directory from which you launched Acorn. As a reminder, you can open this file from a browser using CTL-o (or CMD-o on Macs) and navigating to the working directory to open routingStatus.html. As shown in the example screenshots below (and at this link), the top of the web page provides the current status. Near the top of the page are a graph of routing metrics and an animated display of the routing for each iteration.

Incidentally, if you'd like Acorn to use fewer threads than are available on your system, you can use the -t switch to specify the number of threads. For example, if you'd like Acorn to use only 2 threads, invoke Acorn like so:

 $ acorn.exe  -t 2   4n_800x_500y_4L_obstacles_wide_vias.txt  >  logfile.txt

Linux installation session

Running an Existing Test Case

As noted above in the Installation section, Acorn is launched from a Linux command-line with a text file as an argument. The STDOUT output of this command should be redirected to a log file for potential analysis during/after the Acorn run. For example, fatal errors will result in descriptive error messages at the bottom of this log file.

The input text file describes the silicon chip, package, and/or PCB, in addition to the locations of the start- and end-terminals of each net. Instructions for creating such input files are provided below in the Creating Your Own Routing Cases section. But to demonstrate the output of Acorn, let's first use one of the existing input files from the tests directory: 8n_800x_500y_4L_obstacles_diffPairs_PNswappable_costZones_designRuleZones. This small test-case contains 8 nets consisting of 4 differential pairs. As shown in the perspective view at right, there are 4 routing layers and 3 intervening via layers. As shown, there are various obstacles of various shapes and sizes.

After copying this file to an empty working directory, we launch this test-case using the following command, directing the STDOUT output to file logfile.txt.

 $ acorn.exe 8n_800x_500y_4L_obstacles_diffPairs_PNswappable_costZones_designRuleZones > logfile.txt

Within moments, the new file routingStatus.html will be available in the working directory. Open this file using your favorite web-browser to display Acorn's output, which should look like the image below. (Click on the image below to open a live version in a new browser tab.)

Perspective view of demo
Initial routing status screen

View of the Acorn output immediately after launching Acorn (in routingStatus.html). Click within the image to open a live version in a new browser tab.

After each iteration, Acorn updates the output page above. For example, after the fourth iteration, the same page will appear as shown below. (Click on the image to open a live version in a new browser tab.)

Routing status screen after 4 iterations

View of the Acorn output after 4 iterations. Click within the image above to open a live version in a new browser tab.

When Acorn completes the routing, the above page will be updated to reflect the completed status, as shown below. (Click on the image below to open a live version in a new browser tab.)

Final routing status

View of the Acorn output upon completion. Click within the image above to open a live version in a new browser tab.

The table in the above screenshot includes hyperlinks to each iteration that displays detailed routing from that iteration. An example is available at this link. In this example can be seen nets with design-rule violations, as highlighted in orange in the image below.

Detailed routing

Detailed routing showing differential pairs with design-rule violations. Click within the image
above to open a live version in a new browser tab.

In the above layout, nets on different layers have different colors. For differential pairs, Acorn displays the centerline of the pair as a grey line, with the regions lightly colored between the diff pairs. Acorn routes each differential pair as a single net, called a pseudo-net. At the end of each iteration, Acorn then replaces the pseudo-net with the two differential-pair nets.

Creating Your Own Routing Cases

Acorn does not currently read data from industry-standard files with netlist data, layer data, etc. Instead, this data must be formatted into a single text file whose format is described below.

A full description of the input file's syntax is available at this link.

Layers and Grid Resolution

Acorn requires that the input file contain the number of routing layers used for traces, in addition to names for these layers and the intervening via layers. Acorn also requires the lateral extents (dimensions) of the largest layer be included in the file. Another important dimension is the grid resolution that Acorn will use to break up the layers into a grid.

As an example, assume we wanted to use Acorn on a design like that shown at right, which includes two PCB routing layers, two layers on each of two packages, and one routing layer on each of three silicon die. In this example, there are five routing layers and four intervening via layers. Defining these would require the number_layers and layer_names statements in the input file:

number_layers = 5   // 5 routing layers
layer_names = Die_Top C4 Pkg_M1 Pkg_via Pkg_M2 BGA PCB_M1 PCB_via PCB_M2

The above two statements define information along the Z-axis, as denoted by the coordinate system shown at right. Note the two consecutive forward slashes (//) in the example above. These denote the beginning of a comment that continues to the end of the line.

Chip-package-PCB system

To define the size in the X-Y plane, we specify the maximum extent of the routing region in the X- and Y-directions using, respectively, width and height statements:

width  = 14000   // 14,000 microns wide
height =  7000   // 7,000 microns high

The above two statements specify the lateral sizes of the entire routing region, regardless of the layer. In this example, only the two PCB layers are 14 mm wide by 7 mm high. The package and die layers are subsets of these sizes. We will define the smaller dimensions of the packages and die later on, as described in the Keep-out Areas section.

Finally, Acorn requires that the input file define a resolution. This dimension, expressed in microns, defines the size of the square-shaped cells that Acorn uses to define traces, vias, and all other shapes in the design. This is done with a grid_resolution statement, as in the following example:

grid_resolution = 12.5   // Grid size in microns

A reasonable rule-of-thumb is to define the grid resolution to be approximately one third the width of the narrowest trace or via in your design. For large designs, however, small grid resolutions will result in a large number of grid cells, leading to longer run-times during the autorouting process. For a design of up to 10 layers, the number of cells in a given layer should not exceed approximately 2000 by 2000 cells (approximately 4 million cells per layer). To maintain reasonable run-times, the following table suggests the minimum grid resolution values for a variety of design sizes. Larger grid resolutions can significantly reduce run-times.

Design Size Minimum Grid
5 mm X 5 mm 2.5 μm
10 mm X 10 mm 5 μm
20 mm X 20 mm 10 μm
30 mm X 30 mm 15 μm
40 mm X 40 mm 20 μm
50 mm X 50 mm 25 μm
Minimum grid resolutions to maintain fewer than 4 million grid cells
per layer. Larger grid resolutions can significantly reduce run-times.

Net List

The list of nets are contained between the following two statements: start_nets and end_nets. Each line contains one net. A simple example with six nets is shown below:

  # Net    Start    Start Start    End       End   End
  # Name   Layer      X     Y      Layer      X     Y
  # -----  ------- ----- -----     ------- ----- -----
  net1     Die_Top  2500  3000     Die_Top  4900  2800  // Net connecting Die #1 and Die #2.
  VDD      Die_Top  2600  3000     PCB_M1    100  6800  // Connection to Die #1.

  DP1_P    Die_Top  5000  2800     PCB_M1   6000   100  // Connections to
  DP1_N    Die_Top  5000  2900     PCB_M1   6100   100  //    Die #2.

  DP2_P    Die_Top 11000  3100     PCB_M1  13800  4000  // Connections to
  DP2_N    Die_Top 11080  3100     PCB_M1  13800  4150  //    Die #3.

In the above example, note the three lines that start with a hash (#) character in the first column. This character creates a full-line comment.

In each line of the example above, a case-sensitive net name is the first token on the line. This is followed by the the coordinates of the net's start-terminal, starting with the name of the routing layer and the X/Y coordinates, in microns. The origin of the X/Y coordinate system is always the lower-left corner of the routing region, as indicated in the diagram above.

The next three tokens on the line are the coordinates of the net's end-terminal. Again, a triple of tokens is used: layer name, followed by the X/Y coordinates (again, in microns as measured from the system's origin).

Sometimes it is helpful to identify certain nets as special because, e.g., because they should be routed with different design rules from other nets. Identifying such nets is done in the net list between the start_nets and end_nets statements. Examples of these are covered below in the Design Rules section.

Keep-out Areas

To define which parts of a layer may be used for routing, Acorn uses two types of statements: block and unblock. A block statements creates a keep-out area of a particular shape, such as a rectangle, circle, or triangle. An unblock statement 'erases' such keep-out areas, and can also be applied as a rectangle, circle, or triangle. Complex shapes may be created using combinations of these statements. For example, the diagram at right shows the effects of two block statements and one unblock statement. In (a) is shown an area with no keep-out zones. (b) shows the effect of a block rect statement, i.e., a block statement that defines a rectangular keep-out zone (in grey) on the left side of the area. (c) depicts the effect of an unblock cir statement, which erases the keep-out zone of a circular area. Finally, (d) illustrates the effect of a subsequent block tri statement, which defines a triangular keep-out zone. Note that the final keep-out zones in (d) depend on the sequence of the block and unblock statements. Acorn processes these statements in the exact order that you place them in the input text file.

Using the previous chip-package-PCB example, a handful of block and unblock statements can define the boundaries for the routing layers on the three chips, as depicted at right. These boundaries could be achieved using a block statement to block the entire layer, followed by three unblock statements to unblock rectangular regions for each of the three die. These statements are shown below:
block   ALL  Die_Top   // Block the entire 'Die_Top' layer

# Un-block a rectangular region for Die #1 with corners
# at (800,2000) and (3200,4000), in microns
unblock RECT Die_Top  800 2000    3200 4000 

# Un-block a rectangular region for Die #2 with corners
# at (3800,2000) and (6200,4000), in microns
unblock RECT Die_Top 3800 2000    6200 4000 

# Un-block a rectangular region for Die #2 with corners
# at (9800,2500) and (12200,3500), in microns
unblock RECT Die_Top 9800 2500   12200 3500
Effects of BLOCK and UNBLOCK statements

Chip-package-PCB system

The effect of the above four statements is to create three rectangular routing regions, as indicated by the white rectangles in the inset figure above.

Keep-out regions are likewise defined on other layers. For example, the regions for the two packages can be defined with block and unblock statements like those below. These are similar to the statements above for defining the die layers, but with the addition of triangular keep-out regions at the corners of each package, using the block TRI statements:
block   ALL  Pkg_M1   // Block the entire 'Pkg_M1' layer

# Un-block a rectangular region for Package #1 with 
# corners at (600,1000) and (8000,6000), in microns
unblock RECT Pkg_M1   600 1000    8000 6000 

# Un-block a rectangular region for Package #2 with 
# corners at (9000,1000) and (13000,6000), in microns
unblock RECT Pkg_M1  9000 1000   13000 6000 

# Block triangular regions at the four corners of Package #1:
block   TRI  Pkg_M1    600 1000    600 1200    800 1000  // Lower-left corner
block   TRI  Pkg_M1    600 6000    600 5800    800 6000  // Upper-left corner
block   TRI  Pkg_M1   8000 1000   8000 1200   7800 1000  // Lower-right corner
block   TRI  Pkg_M1   8000 6000   8000 5800   7800 6000  // Upper-right corner

# Block triangular regions at the four corners of Package #2:
block   TRI  Pkg_M1   9000 1000   9000 1200   9200 1000  // Lower-left corner
block   TRI  Pkg_M1   9000 6000   9000 5800   9200 6000  // Upper-left corner
block   TRI  Pkg_M1  13000 1000  13000 1200  12800 1000  // Lower-right corner
block   TRI  Pkg_M1  13000 6000  13000 5800  12800 6000  // Upper-right corner
Chip-package-PCB system

The effect of the above 11 statements is to create the two regions for package routing, as indicated by the white areas in the inset figure above. Note that the order of the block and unblock statements is very important. Each unblock statement 'erases' the effects of a previous block statement, but has no effect on subsequent block statements.

A similar series of statements must be repeated for each routing layer in the package. In the example depicted in the figure above, which contains two routing layers in each package, the 11 block / unblock statements would be repeated with 'Pkg_M1' replaced by 'Pkg_M2'.

Keep-out regions are not limited to routing layers. The block and unblock statements can also define keep-out areas on via layers. This is helpful in defining locations for vias with predefined arrays, such as C4 bumps, copper pillars, solder balls, etc. The necessary statements are similar to the those above for defining the die and package layers, but with the use of circular regions at the site of each via, using unblock CIR statements, as shown below:

block   ALL  C4    // Block the entire 'C4' layer

# Un-block a circular region for each C4 bump of Die #1:
unblock CIR  C4   2800 2400    50  // C4 centered at (2800,2400) with radius 50 microns
unblock CIR  C4   3200 2400    50
unblock CIR  C4   3600 2400    50
unblock CIR  C4   4200 2400    50
  etc., etc., etc.
Chip-package-PCB system

The effect of statements like the above block and unblock statements is to create arrays of vias like those shown in the two insets of the diagram above. In this case, layer 'C4' would contain three arrays of vias (one for each die). Layer 'BGA' would require another set of block and unblock statements to define the sites of allowed vias between the PCB and the two packages.

Large arrays of vias, of course, require many unblock statements (one for each via). But once these statements are created, they can be reused again and again for common arrays of vias.

Design Rules

In Acorn, design rules define the minimum widths of traces and vias, in addition to the minimum spacings between these shapes. Also, design rules specify the distance between the two traces of a differential pair. Finally, design rules specify the allowed directions that nets can be routed. For example, Manhattan (90°) routing could be used on the die while 45° routing could be used on the PCB.

Acorn groups design rules into sets. For example, a design-rule set can specify the minimum linewidths, via diameters, and spacings. Each set of design rules is then applied to one or more regions of the routing space. For example, design rules for PCB routing could be applied to multiple layers of a circuit board. A separate set of design rules could be applied to the layers of a package. A third design-rule set could be applied to the topmost layer of the die. In this manner, traces and vias can have different sizes depending on their location in the design.

Defining a design-rule set is done using the design_rule_set and end_design_rule_set statements in the Acorn input file. To apply a given design-rule set to one or more specific regions of the design, DR_zone (design-rule zone) statements are used. The combination of design-rule sets and zones provides significant flexibility in defining the routing rules throughout the design.

Acorn also allows for net-specific design rules. For example, if you want all power and ground nets to be wider than signal nets, this can be accomplished using exception statements. Such statements could also be used to increase the spacing between an especially sensitive analog net and its neighbors. As noted in the syntax documentation for exception statements, each exception is assigned a unique name. You can associate these names with one or more nets in the netlist, as shown in the following example:

  # Net    Start    Start Start    End       End   End   Exception
  # Name   Layer      X     Y      Layer      X     Y    (optional)
  # -----  ------- ----- -----     ------- ----- -----  ---------------
  net1     Die_Top  2500  3000     Die_Top  4900  2800   Large_Spacing
  VDD      Die_Top  2600  3000     PCB_M1    100  6800   POWER_GROUND 

  DP1_P    Die_Top  5000  2800     PCB_M1   6000   100
  DP1_N    Die_Top  5000  2900     PCB_M1   6100   100

  DP2_P    Die_Top 11000  3100     PCB_M1  13800  4000
  DP2_N    Die_Top 11080  3100     PCB_M1  13800  4150

In the above example, net net_1 would be routed using the design rules defined in the exception named Large_Spacing. Likewise, net VDD would be routed using the design rules defined in the exception named POWER_GROUND.

As a net routes from one design-rule zone to another, e.g., from the package to the PCB, its linewidth and spacing may naturally change. The same applies to nets that are associated with an exception design-rule set. This is why it's important to name each exception consistently from design-rule set to design-rule set. For example, the design-rule set for the PCB should have an exception named 'Large_Spacing ', as should an exception within the design-rule set for the package.

Nets that are part of a differential pair must be associated with an exception set of design rules. Otherwise, the nets will be routed individually, with no guarantee that their spacing will remain consistent. This is shown in the example netlist below, in which two nets are associated with exception '50_Ohm', and two nets are associated with exception '100_Ohm'. Further, each net of a differential pair must also specify the net's partner as the 9th token in the netlist line, e.g., the net names beneath the 'Diff Pair Partner' heading. Finally, an optional 10th token, the keyword PN_swappable, can be appended to differential pair nets whose positive and negative terminals may be swapped to optimize the physical routing.

  # Net    Start    Start Start    End       End   End   Exception        Diff Pair    P/N
  # Name   Layer      X     Y      Layer      X     Y    (optional)       Partner      Swappable?
  # -----  ------- ----- -----     ------- ----- -----  ---------------  -----------  --------------
  net1     Die_Top  2500  3000     Die_Top  4900  2800   Large_Spacing
  VDD      Die_Top  2600  3000     PCB_M1    100  6800   POWER_GROUND

  DP1_P    Die_Top  5000  2800     PCB_M1   6000   100   50_Ohm           DP1_N
  DP1_N    Die_Top  5000  2900     PCB_M1   6100   100   50_Ohm           DP1_P

  DP2_P    Die_Top 11000  3100     PCB_M1  13800  4000   100_Ohm          DP2_N        PN_swappable
  DP2_N    Die_Top 11080  3100     PCB_M1  13800  4150   100_Ohm          DP2_P        PN_swappable

Cost Zones

Each length of lateral routing has a default cost which Acorn attempts to minimize. Likewise, each via (or vertical route) has a default cost, (partly defined by the vertCost parameter), so Acorn also attempts to minimize the number of vias. For both lateral and vertical routing, the default costs apply globally to the entire map. However, the user may increase these default costs in specific areas. This has the effect of reducing the routing in that region.

Increasing the cost of lateral routing in specific regions is accomplished using trace_cost_multiplier and trace_cost_zone statements. Relative to the baseline (non-increased) cost, the cost increase can be an integer multiple, e.g., 2, 5, 10, 25, etc.

The example below shows the effect of a cost zone for lateral traces. On the left is a simple trace (red) routed directly from the start-terminal to the end-terminal. On the right is shown the effect of adding a cost-zone (grey) with twice the lateral routing cost. In this case, Acorn minimizes the routing cost by avoiding the costly zone, but at the expense of additional routing length. Unlike a keep-out zone (created with block and unblock statements), traces and vias can enter cost-zone regions. (Incidentally, the example below also shows that cost zones influence only the centerlines of the traces, and do not impede the outer parts of the traces to overlap with the higher-cost zone.)

RAM component with swappable pins

Reducing vias in a region is handled in a similar manner as traces. Doing so requires the use of via_cost_multiplier and via_cost_zone statements. Relative to the baseline (non-increased) cost, the cost increase can be an integer multiple, e.g., 2, 5, 10, 25, etc.

Pin-Swap Zones and Escape Routing

Early in the co-design process, there may be flexibility in the assignment of pins to/from a given component. RAM data busses are common examples, in which the ordering of bits within an eight-bit byte may be scrambled to optimize physical routing. Such pin-swapping is achieved in Acorn by locating the terminals of pin-swappable nets into a pin-swap zone, as illustrated at right. Such zones are defined using pin_swap and no_pin_swap statements.

In this example, two separate pin-swap zones (in yellow) allow 8 pins to be swapped on the left, and a separate 8 pins to be swapped on the right. Because the two pin-swap zones are not contiguous, pins from the left swap-zone cannot be swapped with those from the right.

These pin-swap zones can also be used for escape routing. To do so, a terminal of every net is placed within a single pin-swap zone. For example, the figure below illustrates single-layer escape routing in which a terminal of every net is placed at the lower-left corner of the perimeter pin-swap zone. This will cause the autorouter to find the shortest path from the BGA terminal (blue circles) to any location in the yellow pin-swap zone, since such zones represent regions with near-zero routing cost. And because design-rule violations are allowed within pin-swap zones, the terminals of multiple nets can be located wherever it's convenient. In the example below, all the terminals are located in the lower-left corner.
RAM component with swappable pins
Pin-swap zone on perimeter of design to assess escape routing
As illustrated above, a carefully constructed pin-swap zone can be used for escape routing on a single layer. This concept may be extended to study escape routing across one or more domains of the die/package/PCB system. For example, to optimize the 'pin map' of a BGA package, the terminals of all nets may be located in a pin-swap zone immediately beneath the BGA array, as shown at right. In this cross-sectional diagram, the yellow area is defined as a pin-swap zone that contains terminals for all the nets that must route through the package and to the die.

Extending this concept, a single pin-swap zone can extend vertically across all routing layers surrounding the perimeter of a PCB, as shown in the figure below. Locating terminals of all nets in this pin-swap zone prompts Acorn to find viable, violation-free routing across the die, package, and PCB.
Pin-swap zone to optimize package pin-map
Pin-swap zone on perimeter of PCB to assess escape routing

Running Acorn on Your Own Routing Cases

Acorn unfortunately does not currently read netlists or layout information from industry-stardard file formats. Such information must therefore be converted into the Acorn-compatible format described above and in the Acorn syntax page. Be aware that creating this file can be time-consuming, depending on your experience in converting or formatting layout and netlist data. Shell scripts, Python scripts, or even Excel spreadsheets can be helpful.

As you create your Acorn input file, it's suggested that you test it frequently by running Acorn on it. In the output sent to STDOUT (or redirected to a log file of your choice), the software will report syntax and functional issues as it prepares and completes the first iteration, which takes only seconds or a few minutes. For example, if user-defined barriers in the layout prevent any possible path between the start- and end-terminals of a net, then Acorn will report the net and suggest changes.

Even before the first iteration completes in Acorn, it generates a pre-routing map that displays the locations of the start- and end-terminals, as well as any user-defined barriers, the locations of design-rule zones, and the locations of cost-zones. An example of such a pre-routing map is available here.

Once your Acorn input file has been created, it's time to run Acorn. Depending on the size and complexity of your design, the run-time can take minutes to hours -- and even days! Acorn takes advantage of parallel processing, so the more CPUs that are on your computer, the faster Acorn will progress. (Acorn does not currently use GPU hardware.) Monitor the progress by pointing your browser to the routingStatus.html file (example here), which Acorn updates at the beginning/end of each iteration.

If the run-time is too long, consider increasing the resolution value in the Acorn input file; run-times scale as this value raised to the power of ‑3 or ‑4. In other words, doubling the resolution could reduce the run-time by up to a factor of 16 (2‑4).

Copyright © 2024-2025 Dan Boyne